Dr. Pelletier is a fellowship-trained cornea specialist from Bascom Palmer and performs all current refractive corneal surgeries in including LASIK and a variety of other procedures including LASEK, epi-LASEK, PRK, PTK, and AK.
Criteria for the ideal LASIK patient includes an age of 21 or more, healthy corneas, and a stable prescription. Abnormally shaped corneas, unusual medical conditions, excessively thin corneas, exceptionally high refractive errors, advanced dry eye, and pregnancy are often possible contraindications for LASIK. Candidates must have a good understanding of the risks and benefits from LASIK surgery. To find out if you are a good candidate, arrange for an eye examination at Plessen Ophthalmology. You will know within minutes whether you are eligible for this procedure.
Laser-Assisted in-situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is an advanced refractive laser vision correction procedure for correcting near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism, potentially reducing your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. LASIK surgery and equivalent procedures (epi-LASIK, PRK) effectively and precisely sculpt the cornea to enhance your vision. LASIK is a comfortable, safe and effective outpatient procedure with a number of benefits including fast recovery.
Dr. Pelletier performs LASIK surgery at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, ranked number one overall ophthalmology training program in the United States. Bascom Palmer has the most current, advanced versions of femtosecond and excimer laser technology. The procedure is quick and comfortable. Following the procedure, you should not drive; it is best to bring a friend with you or arrange for a ride (we can arrange that for you). After the first day, most patients experience significantly improved vision. Postoperative appointments can be continued in the US Virgin Islands if a short stay in Miami is preferred.